Paul Washer on Song of Solomon
This girl in this book had scorned the love of a king. She considered it as boring to get out of bed, to answer the door when he came to her in the middle of the night. Any other king would have been screaming mad. He would have said, “You were nothing when I found you. I made you my own and you treat me like that, leaving me outside the door? And then you run around the city like a tramp and now you expect me to take you back?”
But when she comes back to the one she so offended, where does she find him? She finds him standing there at the door with a bouquet of flowers for her. He’s picking lilies to give them to the one who has offended his love.
You know why we can’t understand that? Because there is just no love like that in this world. There is no other example of the love of God, except God himself. It is so hard for us to fathom.